What is a Vanpool?

A vanpool is a group of five to fourteen people with a similar origin, destination, and schedule, who share the costs of commuting and ride in a vehicle with seven or more seats. The group divides the cost of the monthly van rental, gas, insurance, and other costs among themselves.
  • Why form a vanpool?

    Commuting via vanpool makes driving a shared task and provides riders with time to read, nap or even catch up on work, which produces more productive, less stressed employees.

  • NVTMA Incentive Program

    Employers can start vanpools on behalf of their employees.  Employers can provide employees with a pre-tax commuting benefit or subsidies through a tax-free option. See Internal Revenue Code 132(f) for more details.

  • Participant Rewards & Responsibilities

    Participant Rewards:

    • being able to read, sleep, relax or socialize with friends during the daily commute
    • reducing wear and tear on personal automobiles
    • a possible reductions in personal auto insurance premiums

    Participant Responsibility:

    • paying established fares (usually based on distance to work and number of riders)
    • arriving at pre-arranged pick-up sites on time
    • giving a 30-day notice if leaving the vanpool
  • Be a Volunteer Vanpool Driver

    Volunteer Driver Rewards:

    • participating for free or at a discounted rate
    • having access to the vehicle during lunchtime
    • receiving additional benefits from some vendors

    Volunteer Driver Responsibility:

    • picking up and dropping off passengers at designated site(s)
    • collecting monthly payments from passengers to cover monthly expenses
    • filling the gas tank and keeping track of fuel expenses
    • arranging maintenance through the vanpool vendor
  • Resources
Do you commute from far away? Or do you know of a few others at your worksite who commute from generally the same area? Consider a vanpool!

Some of the benefits to joining a Vanpool include:
  • Reduced parking costs
  • Creates more available parking spaces
  • Use HOV lanes and reduce travel times
  • Reduces wear and tear on personal vehicles
  • Improves air quality and traffic congestion
  • Save money on gas, tolls, and car costs
Join Commute with Enterprise Vanpool Groups

Carpool Ridematching & Online Commuter Tools

As a member of the Neponset Valley TMA you'll gain access to powerful online commuter resources like:
Web-Based Commuter Services Platform

Empowers you to find a “greener” way to commute with cost calculators, trip calendars, route planning, regional ridematching, and more.
Register at


Our Emergency Ride Home Program (ERH) gives you the peace of mind to commute sustainably. ERH guarantees you transportation home, to the doctor, daycare, or any other qualified destination via Lyft™, taxi or rental car if an emergency arises when you commuted to work by carpool, vanpool, transit, biking, or walking. Register today to ensure eligibility!
Enroll in ERH Today at
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